
Neck lifting

The neck lift is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the jawline and neck. This rejuvenating intervention is comparable to the mini-facelift, but relates to the neck and not the face.

With time the angle between the chin and the neck fades. Subcutanous fat starts to collect in this area, resulting in the loss of youthful contours in the jawline and neck.


To rejuvenate the neck of our patients, we use different techniques:

  • Silicone thread lift. This procedure allows to recreate the angle between chin and neck and gives longlasting results.
  • Removal of excess skin. The skin is removed behind the ears, resulting in minimal scarring. This procedure is often the preferred technique for men. For women, the neck lift is often combined with a mini-facelift.

The neck lift can be performed in conjunction with:

  • A small liposculpture of the chin to remove any excess fat.
  • A mini-facelift in order to rejuvenate both face and neck at the same time.


Face and neck
Arms and hands
Tummy and back
Buttock, thigh and pubic area


Neck lifting (local anaesthesia)
Neck lifting with silicone thread