The nose is the central part of the face. An imperfect nose is often disturbing. Rhinoplasty is a very popular surgery, which often addresses both an aesthetic and functional problem (like sinusitis or nasal breathing problems).
In case of a nasal respiratory problem, the cause must be treated. An excess of nasal cartilage must be narrowed or removed. A deviation of the nasal septum must be rectified.
Functional problems should systematically be solved by the correction of the nasal spaces, not the nose itself. The nose plays a limited role in the permeability of the spaces. That is the reason functional corrections do not have much influence on the appearance of the nose. A refund may be requested of your medical insurance prior to this type of intervention.
In case of aesthetic problems such as an excessively large nose, a bump on the bridge of the nose or a drooping nose tip, the intervention will adjust the shape and not the breathing. During a correction of the bridge of the nose, cartilage is repositioned. This is not painful but requires an immobilisation plaster and causes swelling and bruising immediately after the intervention. These bruises disappear surprisingly quickly, and decrease sharply after a week.
Patients often have trouble imagining what their future nose will look like. That is why the surgeon performs 3D computer simulations. He will define the results of the intervention with you, and take a few pictures from different angles during the simulation. There are ideal proportions for a nose. The object of the correction is to get as close as possible to these proportions. A computer simulation gives no guarantee of the end result but allows you to imagine the desired outcome. After rhinoplasty, the healing process is of the greatest importance for the final result. The nose changes significantly during the first weeks after the procedure. The end result is visible only after complete recovery (9 months).
At Mediclinic, we opt for a natural result. Rhinoplasty should respect the patient's normal anatomy. A overpronounced trumpet-like nose or one that is too thin can often betray rhinoplasty. These details are also illustrated and discussed during a simulation.
Rhinoplasty is not painful. Tampons are used to block the nostrils thus prohibiting breathing through the nose. This is annoying but not painful.
Tampons are removed after 1 to 3 days. The bruises dissipate after a week. The sutures are removed after 8 days. The nasal splint remains in place for 2 weeks. After that, no trace of rhinoplasty is visible and the nose appears "normal". The final result is only visible after 9 months.
The risks are very limited. The splint can be removed too soon. Infections or poor healing are very rare.
The nasal splint remains in place for 2 weeks. No additional care is needed.