
Hand rejuvenation

Our hands tell us something about our personality but also show how old we are. As time goes by the skin of your hands becomes thinner, fine lines appear and the underlying structures, such as tendons, blood vessels and bones, become more visible. The backs of our hands are also susceptible to increased pigmentation, known as age spots.
How can I rejuvenate my hands?

  • An injection with fillers to reinstate the initial volume of your hands. 
  • The fractional laser is a non-ablative laser that keeps the surface of the skin intact. The laser light is absorbed by the tissue down to the deepest layers. The light is then converted into heat and the numerous laser beams form heat columns. Collagen fibers are stretched under the effect of the heat and a new healing process naturally starts: new collagen is created. The skin becomes smoother and firmer, wrinkles and age spots fade.
  • A PRP treatment. During the treatment a small amount of blood will be drawn from your arm. Hyaluronic acid is added to the blood and undergoes centrifugation. This process separates the blood plasma from the blood cells. Blood plasma contains a very high concentration of active growth factors. These have a rejuvenating, tightening and hydrating effect on your skin.
Face and neck
Arms and hands
Tummy and back
Buttock, thigh and pubic area


Hand rejuvenation with fractional laser - 1 treatment
150€ (for 2 hands)
Hand rejuvenation with fractional laser - pack of 4 treatments
500€ (for 2 hands)
Hand rejuvenation with filler (Radiesse - 1,5ml)